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Friday, July 24, 2020


To be fair to the various theocracies of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and their secular counterparts... Each has significant humble populations that do not presume to an imminent expectation of the Ultimate Salvation. Judaism anticipates that before the remnant of Israel is redeemed to Zion as the Ultimate Redemption, Jewish exile may extend to the farthest reaches of the universe; yet, this does not necessarily preclude the day to day expansions and contractions of sovereignty over mundane life. Christianity teaches that "Only The Father Knows, when Jesus will return (Sermon on the Mount)." Islam teaches that when the Mahdi will appear, the coming of Jesus will then also be known, as well as the Day of Judgment; and, until then, nobody knows. This common humbleness regarding Ultimate Redemption is the root hope for all humanity, springing as it does from the same tree of life, speaking of God, yet presuming (at least some of the time) not to be God's mouthpiece and not to dictate God's terms, valuing the right to life of all people and all Peoples.

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